What Is Sexual Dysfunction? Types of Disorders and More
Sexual dysfunction is not a disease that you need to be afraid of. It is just a simple disorder that a lot of people get at any time. There is no particular age group that experiences it. It can happen to anyone in any age group. What is it exactly? It is the loss of interest a person experiences toward any sexual activity.
Both men and women experience it. It is not similar to asexuality. Asexuality is a sex orientation while sexual dysfunction is often experienced by individuals for a smaller period. Through the right approach and correct management, you can easily manage it.
The types of disorders that women and men face are
Desire Disorder
It is the loss of interest a person or couple engaged in sexual activity face. Often desire-related issues occur when there is some misunderstanding between the couples. This leads to the loss of interest between them. One point that you need to understand is that your body is connected to your mind. So emotional well-being is vital to having a healthy sexual relationship. At some point, all couples go this face.
You need not worry yourself too much if you are going through this face. It’s only for some time, you will be back to the same soon. Counselling will help to identify the cause and provide solutions if it persists.
Arousal Disorders
When you hear the name, you may think that it is related to men only. No, that is where we all stereotype a particular gender. Men and women, all face these issues. Arousal issues in men lead them to not be able to maintain an erect penis until the end of the activity. It commonly occurs due to stress, reduced blood flow to the penis, nerve problems, or an injured penis. Very rarely is it caused due to a chronic illness.
For women, it is distinctly shown outward like for men. It is usually more subtle. They face difficulty in remaining aroused for the entire course of the activity. If you have been facing arousal-related issues for a long time, it might be better to seek professional help.
Pain Disorders
It is usually experienced by women when they indulge in a sexual activity for the first. But the pain is replaced by pleasure after some time. Men also experience pain in their penis in the initial stages. Are you worried that you are facing pain still now? Don’t fret about it too much. Some men and women tend to face pain whenever they indulge in penetrative sexual activity. For women, it is more distinctive.
Vaginismus often confronted by women, is caused when the muscles around the vagina tighten, leading to discomfort during intercourse. Don’t get worried seeing the name. There are a lot of treatments available for it. You can always seek professional help, to help you to have a healthy sexual relationship with your partner.
Orgasm Disorders
Orgasm is achieved by women and men at the height of sexual activity. Some require just penetration sex to achieve it while others may require enough stimulation to get it. Men usually face premature or delayed ejaculation that denies them sexual pleasure. Women face issues attaining orgasm even after adequate stimulation. If you belong to any gender, don’t stress yourself if you face orgasm-related problems. Try different ways to stimulate your partner which will help you to overcome this disorder.
In A Summary Everyone feels shy talking about problems faced during sexual activity. But you should remember that only if you acknowledge it and seek help, it will help you. Most of these disorders will be solved if you have a healthy conversation with your partner. Don’t overthink and start enjoying.